sounds just fine

artist management | artist & market development
album & career strategy | project management
about us
Working with artists and organisations from the widest folk, roots and singer/songwriter genres, we pride ourselves in being free-thinking, effective, resourceful, resilient, creative, and fun to work with.
Founder, Neil Pearson, is well-networked, experienced, and trusted in the UK and abroad; has a flexible approach to working with a wide range of partners, and a history of success with both large-scale and smaller projects.
Working with Sound Just Fine is going to be fun! - we only work with interesting and dynamic clients and partners.
We are passionate, understanding & generous, and above all open-minded on everything we work on.
Neil has worked in the industry since 1999, and across a range of elements in the UK and abroad, including festival programming, venue programming, artists development, mentoring, project management, and more.